Katie-May Speech

Created by Kim 2 years ago
My Nan was a thoughtful lady, she was kind and incredibly caring. My Nan was blessed to have a daughter and was elated when she had 3 granddaughters. Without my Nans warmth and gentleness, us girls would have been different people. She injected happiness into all of our lives and immersed us in joy from the day we were born. Nan also surrounded us with music,  she was always singing and when I was just old enough, she found my mum old taps shoes and taught me some basic steps. We soon became passionate about music and the theatre all thanks to Nan. I do truly believe being the eldest grandchild and having the privilege to spend the most time with her, that I am the women I am today because of her love, and watching the love she had for my mum and my sisters.
My Nan was always known for these loving qualities, and the pride she took in her family. She would often say ‘I only live for my family’ and she would do anything for us.
She was a private person so there’s many moments not many people would have seen, some of these will be on the fundraising page in her name, but I’d like to share one memory that encompasses all her wonderful attributes.
Afternoon Tea at nans, As a child I would always imagine afternoon tea with the queen would be similar to afternoon tea at nans.  We’d always be greeted at the door with cakes, cupcakes, various biscuits, shortbreads, rich teas and chocolate bars. Sweets from the shop across the road and our favourite crisps and dips. Nan would also have a delicious selection of weekly good from Andrews butchers, most importantly a bowl of fruit, to make is seem slightly healthier as nan did have diabetes. You’d finish one cake and she’d offer you the next or she would see an empty plate and grab you another biscuit to dunk your tea. She sometimes complained about how the tea was never quite strong enough when I made it, but thankfully It was something I mastered when I lived and looked after her.
At these afternoon teas we would all debrief on our week, mum would rant, Poppy would sing and dance around the living room and me and Gracie would often talk about school, and upcoming concerts and musical productions (to which she attended every single one) . The beauty of these conversations was Nan’s enthusiasm, she would giggle, laugh and listen so carefully to try and grasp every detail. What I do distinctly remember is telling her a recent grade and she was so excited, despite not really knowing what the grade was. She was just proud regardless, and would embrace us into a tight loving hold. She was a small lady but her hugs were huge.
Fundamentally my nans purpose was to love us, it’s all she lived for, we really were her world and she made our world beautiful.
We are already missing you terribly Nan, we all love you so so much. Thank you, From Mum, David, myself, Gracie and Poppy truly and deeply for absolutely everything. We did overindulge on cake, but are so thankful to all the memories we have and all the advice and qualities us girls will carry through life and pass on to our children and our grandchildren.
I can imagine you nattering away with Jean,  putting the world to rights, ‘our marge’ said repeatedly. I hope you are now at peace.
I Love you, and God Bless  
